Welcome to my art site. On the home page I have chosen to offer studio updates and a few of my latest creations. Sometimes viewers come to check out updates, and so I make this an easy way. If you are looking to see what I do, keep scrolling or check out all of the tabs for the collection. My website is a place for me to document my art. My aim is not to have a perfect art website by selecting a few of my best pieces. Contact me if you have questions. I am always creating, and I am always creating more and more products using my paintings. I am a nature photographer, not a product photographer and because of that and because of my upcoming shows I have chosen not to offer all of my products here. I have tons, so message me if you are looking for something in particular.

My latest artist portrait!

This is “Dazzling Daisy”, an original watercolor that was chosen by an international panel of art curators.

This is the cover of the book I will be featured in.

As many of you know, I love to paint beaches. This, however, is not a painting, but my first attempt of a beach using oil pastels.

This is my latest abstract acrylic floral that I painted after the rhododendrons in our yard bloomed and inspired me.

This is just one of my latest florals drying in the studio.

And finally a very elementary abstract approach with oil pastels for fun.

This is a little poem I’ve been thinking about lately.